Start training with PaceBuddy

Start training with PaceBuddy

Start training with PaceBuddy

About PaceBuddy

PaceBuddy is an algorithm capable of predicting your next running performance. It uses past activities to understand how you react to various gradients and distances; and then uses its knowledge to forecast how you'll fare on your upcoming challenges! Whether you are training for a longer run or are looking to increase your performance on your usual circuit, PaceBuddy can provide you with useful insights on the pace you should be able to run.
Important! PaceBuddy requires heartrate data to function!
PaceBuddy is still in its early stages so for now you will have to keep your past activities up-to-date by uploading them regularly. Hopefully, as the website grows we'll be able to synchronize your PaceBuddy account with your favorite GPS watch provider automatically!
Any feedback is more than welcome, you can contact us on the following socials:
If you feel like supporting this project, you can do so here:

About PaceBuddy

PaceBuddy is an algorithm capable of predicting your next running performance. It uses past activities to understand how you react to various gradients and distances; and then uses its knowledge to forecast how you'll fare on your upcoming challenges! Whether you are training for a longer run or are looking to increase your performance on your usual circuit, PaceBuddy can provide you with useful insights on the pace you should be able to run.
Important! PaceBuddy requires heartrate data to function!
PaceBuddy is still in its early stages so for now you will have to keep your past activities up-to-date by uploading them regularly. Hopefully, as the website grows we'll be able to synchronize your PaceBuddy account with your favorite GPS watch provider automatically!
Any feedback is more than welcome, you can contact us on the following socials:
If you feel like supporting this project, you can do so here:

Import your past activities

Create an account and upload your past activities. All the info gathered by PaceBuddy is displayed on your page My Profile. You can easily see your running stats and check your past performances there!

For each activity we also provide a prediction made by our algorithm. If your real pace stays within the green ribbon you and our model are doing well!

Import your past activities

Create an account and upload your past activities. All the info gathered by PaceBuddy is displayed on your page My Profile. You can easily see your running stats and check your past performances there!

For each activity we also provide a prediction made by our algorithm. If your real pace stays within the green ribbon you and our model are doing well!

Train for your next goal

Once you've synchronized your historical data, you're ready to set your own objectives in the page My goals. A goal can be anything, from the race you've just joined to your usual circuit!

Our algorithm will produce a prediction of what your performance should be based on your past activities. As you run more, our model will evolve with you!

Train for your next goal

Once you've synchronized your historical data, you're ready to set your own objectives in the page My goals. A goal can be anything, from the race you've just joined to your usual circuit!

Our algorithm will produce a prediction of what your performance should be based on your past activities. As you run more, our model will evolve with you!

Run with PaceBuddy

When the time comes to run your goals, don't forget to bring PaceBuddy with you. Simply download one of the ghosts from the My Goals page.

Two types of ghosts are available. If you're looking for performance and need a challenge, download the Challenger! If you're looking to pace yourself in a hard upcoming race, download the Pacer!

Run with PaceBuddy

When the time comes to run your goals, don't forget to bring PaceBuddy with you. Simply download one of the ghosts from the My Goals page.

Two types of ghosts are available. If you're looking for performance and need a challenge, download the Challenger! If you're looking to pace yourself in a hard upcoming race, download the Pacer!